Bitcoin Pizza Day

Bitcoin Pizza Day

Yesterday was Bitcoin Pizza Day, the holiday marking the first real-world transaction using Bitcoin.

The two pizzas on the photo were paid 10’000 BTC by Laszlo Hanyecz in May 2010. Bitcoin has gone a long way since, establishing itself as an international borderless money, which, despite its price volatility, has proven itself as a great store of value. Well, this is yet to be proven to the people living in Euro and Dollar zones who might still take it as a risky investment, but to the other 90% of the world population its usefulness becomes increasingly clear. National currencies suffering inflations, authoritarian regimes using access to money as a tool of repression, currency silos, high remittance fees for those who send the money home, financial exclusion of the unbanked… it is all being solved by Bitcoin that takes power from the banks and gives it to the people.

So Happy belated Pizza Day and let’s think strategically about the future of money.