Nike and Adidas going to the Metaverse

Nike and Adidas going to the Metaverse

Metaverse is not only the alternative reality where people can reinvent themselves as they wish, it is also a brand-new marketing playfield for consumer brands, offering them new ways of connecting with their customers.

In the sport gear world it is already obvious.

? Last week Nike presented Nikeland – a virtual space within the Roblox metaverse where users can play, socialize… and buy virtual Nike products ? Moreover, it also offers a toolkit, allowing users create their own mini-games from interactive sports materials.

? Unsurprisingly, Nike was soon followed by Adidas, who announced yesterday the acquisition of a plot of land in TheSandbox – another blockchain-based metaverse. Unlike Nike, nothing is built yet, the company inviting “all of the original thinkers and do-ers to design our future together”.

A whole new economy is about to appear in the metaverse, and the first movers advantage will be huge ?